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Writer's pictureMegan Devito

Hello, I am an NAKB. You?

Well, that's a new one, isn't it? I'm also and INFP, an Enneagram 9 with a 1 wing, a Retriever/Beaver and a Scorpio. Before you think I am going to downplay any single one of these totally fantastic categories I fall in, let me stop you because I'm not. I really am every single one of those things and, for the most part, all of those go hand in hand. For example, if you read about and INFP (The Mediator) and look at the Enneagram 9w1, and the Beaver Retriever, you'd know that they are all about the same. So yes, throw in that Scorpio stinger and you add a little bit of rabies to the retriever but that's what makes the beaver happy... and I digress.

So what is this new fangled NAKB thing then? Oh you guys, I am SO glad you asked! Some of you may have already heard about the BANK system and admittedly, it was created for business professionals so they can better connect with their potential and current clients to best understand them and speak their language. So what is a life coach doing with this? This is where it gets good........

Not only does this system help people in sales better understand their clients, but it helps every single person understand every other person and you can crack your own code RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW! When you do, you'll find out just exactly how YOU make decisions and communicate with your partner, your kids, your parents, your teacher, your best friend, and the jerk down the street. Better yet, you can also get your kids in on the action and code them too!

So what is all of this good for? I'll tell ya. Once we know how the people in our lives communicate, we can reach them. We can help them understand our point of view, create empathy, discuss change, growth and problems without all of the arm-twisting and arguing that so often accompany conversations when we are struggling to be understood. As a teacher, I use this method in my classroom to be able to communicate more effectively with my students so they are more likely to listen, learn, and do their work. Not only am I able to connect quickly but my teaching style can be adapted so I reach all four values types making the content "stick" better. Further, as I continue to code students and teach them about communication styles, they are better able to use these same skills when they talk with their friends and family. They feel understood and appreciated and THAT is a game changer.

If you are reading this as a business person or a parent, imagine being able to easily get down to business during homework hour or a board meeting. How much easier would it be to influence your prospects to purchase your product or to get your kids to clean their room? By knowing why people make the decisions they make, we can speak their language and be understood. I swear this isn't too good to be true.

So what do you do to learn this magic code? It's so simple.

2. Put the cards in order from most like you to lest like you. No cheating and don't think too much. There aren't any right or wrong answers so make sure you put them in order on how you truly behave, not how you think you should behave.

3. Enter your name and email address.

4. Check your inbox.

5. Learn more with me!

Coming in October, you may be invited to learn more about this system and what this means for your family, your classroom, and your business at a local get-together or via Webinar. The world is in desperate need of communication, empathy and understanding. I truly believe that we can start in our own homes, classroom, and offices using this tool and these methods. I hope you will take the time to crack your code and share this link with others and take the opportunity to join me later this fall to learn more about using your code.

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