Well, that went fast! We've spent weeks (some of you since Halloween) getting ready for the next holiday and in a snap, it's over. All the baking, the shopping, the wrapping, the retuning, the binge eating, ..... You know the routine. You are down to one more big holiday extravaganza that everyone can celebrate and then you make the change. Right?
"Once I get to New Year's, I'm going to" xyz (workout, eat more vegetables, drink water, give up soda...) The list is hefty and lasts about as long as that last cookie you ate.
According to US News nearly 80% of New Year's Resolutions fail by the second week of February! Six weeks! And for those of you who fall off the wagon as soon as the sun comes up, if you've even made it to the second week of January you're killing the game. So, the question is, how do you make some changes that are going to last and give yourself the peace of mind, the confidence, the health or the body you want? What do you do when will-power just isn't enough?
START SMALL. - You may be ready to open some big doors but don't go jumping through all the doors at once. If it was that easy to just dump your current lifestyle and tackle your whole list of grievances, you wouldn't have waited until some arbitrary day in January to start. (New Year's Day is actually one of the worst days to pick to change, by the way.) Pick a small goal and take baby steps to get big results.
PLAN A TIME FRAME. - Planning to change your life over the course of a year is 100% do-able and a rotten way to get it done. Create check points. Give yourself a weekly or a monthly goal, but aiming to lose 30 pounds by next Christmas is a sure-fire way to fail. On the other hand, losing 30 pounds by the end of January is ALSO a sure-fire way to fail. BE REASONABLE! Choose attainable goals in relatively short increments.
DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP. - Just because you had a bad day doesn't mean you've killed your whole diet. You might have only exercised two days in a week instead of the intended three, but stopping all together won't do anything to help you reach what you want. Give yourself some grace. Get up the next day and get back on that wagon!
Finally, if this all sounds familiar and every year you start with the same good intentions and quit, give me a call or schedule your Double Your Energy Breakthrough session. You'd likely spend a lot more money that the cost of 12 weeks of coaching on fancy diet foods and gym memberships. (Group rates are available for Lunch and Learn sessions for your club, workplace, etc.) Let's make 2019 the year of SUCCESS without having to start all over again next year at this time.