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How To Manage Anxiety and Enjoy Coffee

Writer's picture: Megan DevitoMegan Devito

Smiling woman with curly hair sitting on a bench holding a coffee cup
Coffee Does Not Have to Make You Anxious

It’s Starbucks’ red cup season, and I’m stoked! I know it’s silly but there’s something about that paper cup that makes my peppermint latte taste so much better.

What about you?

Are you a coffee or tea fan?

Or have you followed the advice of so many others, and you’ve said R.I.P. to your favorite beverage because it make your anxiety worse?

What if I told you that you really can enjoy coffee or tea again without anxiety ruining it for you?

I swear it’s possible.

The Myth That Coffee Causes Anxiety

You’ve heard it before: coffee increases anxiety.

I’m here to tell you, coffee and tea aren’t the problem.

I know this is true because…

☕️  There are people vibrating in their seats who aren’t anxious, and

☕️  There are people who are anxious who don’t feel worse when they drink coffee.

The reason people like to say coffee makes you anxious is because of the effects caffeine has on your body and how those sensations mimic anxious feelings for some people.

Your heart speeds up, and

You feel shaky and maybe a little sick if you’ve had too much.

And before you know it, your mind has come up with terrifying stories about what it fears could be wrong - including that you're about to panic.

The Real Problem is Overthinking How You Feel

The real problem lies in how we interpret these physical sensations. When you're already feeling anxious, it's easy to overthink and believe these symptoms mean something is wrong.

To make matters worse, when you you’re desperate to make those physical sensations go away, you’ll become even more anxious as your brain tries to figure out what to do - all because you associate the the symptoms of anxiety with the feeling you get when you have too much coffee.

But there are other reasons as well. You could be stressed about your day, exhausted from not sleeping well, dealing with hormone imbalances, or simply be more prone to the effects of caffeine.

All of these things can be true at once, and still…

it’s what you think about how caffeine makes you feel.

How To Manage Anxiety From Coffee

You know how your body feels when you've had too much coffee and that's an imporant realization to have. Being mindful of how your body feels and what you know is true - that it's time to put down the mug and grab your water bottle - helps create space for you to stop overthinking.

When you stop and remember that you just downed a grande cold brew or that you’re on cup number three before 9:00 am, it all starts to make sense.

No more overthinking when your heart beats a little faster than you think it should.

No more creating terrifying stories about what you’re afraid is wrong.

No more avoiding red cup season or coffee dates with friends because it makes you feel anxious.

Just you, enjoying your life.

Having new adventures.

Feeling confident, resilient, and calm - even with a little coffee buzz if you want one.

Here's How Coaching Can Help You

  • Know and Trust Yourself: Get familiar with the thoughts, situations, and feelings that make you feel anxious and make them safe and familiar.

  • Become Mindful: Learn techniques to manage the feelings of anxiety in your body, so you can enjoy your coffee and regulate your nervous system without letting it control your day.

  • Stop Overthinking: Learn to recognize and stop anxious thoughts before they spiral out of control.

  • Build Resilience Against Stress: Discover how to tap into your natural resilience to handle stress, navigate challenges, and bounce back with confidence. (You’ve totally got it in you!)

  • Create Calm Confidence: Step into your days with a sense of peace and certainty, knowing you can handle whatever comes your way.

  • Live With More Ease and Joy: Create a life where you feel less anxious and more in control.

If I told you that I can help you stop interpreting those anxious feelings as something you have to push away or fear, and that you could enjoy coffee again, would you want to know more?

If it's a YES for you, click the button below to schedule your free consultation call to talk with me and tell me all about your favorite coffee drink.

(Mine's black peppermint flavored coffee with whip.)

Episode thumbnail for the More than Anxiety Podcast with Megan Devito
Episode 112 of the More Than Anxiety Podcast - How To Enjoy Coffee When You're Anxious

P.S. Iced coffee and dark roasts coffees have less caffeine than cold brews and light roasts coffees. Green tea has less caffeine than black tea and herbal teas have no caffeine. 😉


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